Benefit --> Increased Lifespan (40% avg) -- Mood Balancing -- Sharper Mind -- Better Health
Increased Lifespan and the mice experiment
Mice, we feed them, we hack them, we trow them onto the blender, we make them explode; However this little furry friend has proven to be very useful... just read.
Several studies have found that mice on Calorie Restriction live on average 40% longer than regular mice. If we put that on human scale, given that a human lives, let´s say 100 years optimally, we would get a 140 year-old human. think about all you can do in 40 years, Fuck I don´t even have 40 years yet! And considering at the pace that tech is moving it would be pretty cool to hang around the planet for the next few decades,, things are about to get intresting... to say the least.
However, a long life is not enough, what is truly desirable longevity PLUS good health. It is not how long you live, it is how good you live those years what counts.
According to Aubrey DeGrey, the age degeneration disease(s) occurs from extended cellular damage due to metabolism byproducts.
Within his "7 reason for aging" list we have the disturbing yet preventable "IntraCellular Garbage" and "ExtraCellular Garbage" -- Which is in layman´s language residual crap that accumulates over time as a byproduct of regular cell function this garbage eventually interferes with cellular respiration, nutrition, replication and excretion.
we can deal with this nuissance without pills or drugs of any kind. the key is balancing the intake of good fuel into the body. Let´s look it a little further...
in a fasting period, while not burdened nor taxed by digestion, our bodies repairing and cleaning systems get more active;
Waste is systematically removed from the bloodstream and intercellular space, weak cells die and are replaced, while dead cells are recycled as nutrients.
basically we´re giving the cleaning system a chance to catch up and clean the mess, therefore restoring natural homeostasis.
The paradox of fasting is that it leads to more nutrition, not less. there´s an old myth that says that you have to eat "well",, and "well" usually means a lot..... a lot of crap.
eating a lot does not ensure proper nutrition and also JAMS the whole mechanism, taxing the system badly.
regulating your food intake can improve your health in many ways, first by eliminating the digestive "goo" screen
When digestion takes place, residues on the digestive duct form a "goo" which restricts proper nutrient absortion trough the intestinal walls, leading to malnutrition even on the precence of copious amounts of food.
while fasting this residual "goo" gets naturally wiped away, so that when you eat, all nutrients get delivered to the bloodstream instead of the toilet.
So we can add up another benefit to our list --> Increased Nutrient assimilation
but wait,, there´s more...........
the reptilian part of the brain (according to triune model) processes lack of food as a life-threatening situation, therefore a hyper-alert state is triggered, your senses heighten and your cognition sharpens. This was meant to make you a better hunter, however in modern times we can still exploit this to gain an edge.Improved Mental Acuity
Brighten up Dumbass!
The brain developed in order for individuals to interpret, relate, survive and thrive on a given envionment, this may be a reason why fasting increases Brain-Cell growth activity. If the individual is not relating well-enough in order to provide the organism with plenty of food; Adaptive function then releases neurotrophins which promote neural growth. (Eustress response)
Another influence of an "empty stomach" on cognition is that, believe it or not, digestion taxes on brainpower.
here´s why.
when you eat, the digestive apparatus has to liquify food so that it can be assimilated onto the bloodstream, in order to do that, a finely orchestrated process takes place.
to make a long story short.
1- processed food gets in
2- digestive acid is added
3- PERISTALTIC MOVEMENT begins. and here lies our problem.
------------------------------------4- assimilation and excretion processes.
peristaltic movement is the bowel movement which moves food trough the digesting system, this coordinated movement, as unconciouss and automatic as it may be, consumes a lot of brainpower.
Benefits of Fasting ---> Continued................. EMOTIONS =)
Are you Cranky, Whacky, Jumpy or just damn anxious? If you are this might help.
Fact: High toxin levels within the bloodstream lead to nervous and behavioural disorders.
By getting rid of the harmful food toxins; another "side effect" of fasting is emotional centering,
some toxins excite the nervous system in such a way, that impulses tend to be harder to control.
nervous fidgeting, overwhelming waves of rampant and intense emotion, hunger, cravings and even depression (due to depletion) could be tied to the presence of toxins within the bloodstream
with a clean system you get a balanced mood in most cases, impulse control and increased energy, since you don´t dissipate nervous energy uselessly nor over-exaust your cleaning systems.
The pleasures of food......... KEPT! --
however Calorie Restriction is hard to pull off correctly (ie, avoiding malnutrition, sticking to the plan, socializing and eating a fucking carrot while everyone else is feasting on a double Mac, you name it.) -- But don´t despair, there is a way to keep the benefits without the ugly side of it. and it´s called Intermitent Fasting.
T.T and, Yes, there is a God.
Intermitent Fasting gets you the same benefits that a Calorie Restriction diet would provide, and also food would taste a whole lot better when you do eat.
Intermitent Fasting is disencouraged for females because women have an inbuilt energy saving mechanism; So that when food is scarce, their bodies would retain as much energy as possible. Intermitent Fasting on women would result in obesity, so women BEWARE, you are warned.. don´t e-mail me any gym bills, PLEASE.
If you want a far fetched-twist to it, Mystics of all times have sustained repeatedly that Fasting leads to astral cleansing, which is triggered by an increase of vibration of the subtle bodies of the human being, leading to increased psychic resonance with the environment (more cool "coincidences") and being unaffected by the lower vibes (da "shit").
The key point is achieving balance, digestive cycles last from 16-24 hours, with that in mind try to keep a balance between what you put in, what you use, and what gets out.
Next Post------> Honey, the perfect food.
Glossary: Intermitent Fasting (Fasting By intervals) ie --> x day on,, y days off, then repeat.
Calorie Restriction (eat like a hobo) --> you eat every day while keeping your Calorie intake low (ie. no bread, potatos, noodles, pasta, coke, and so forth)
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